It seems important on this illustrious occassion to ensure that I take the proper tone. Hence, this short video. It's everything I want the zine to be- classic, colorful, serious yet playful, bearded...
Continuing this rather short tradition of excellence I've established, I offer for your listening pleasure, Frank Turner . He's fantastic. In fact, I have this dream of meeting him at one of his shows, having him fall instantly and madly in love with me, I join him on tour, of course, singing harmonies and whatnot, then we get married and have a couple dozen little babies that all call me "mum". Don't laugh, when you see this, you'll share in that dream. Check out the rest of his work if you have the chance, it is well-written, honest music. He can be just as serious and emotionally bare as he can clever and playful, and it's a thrill to hear.
Finally, Robert Calbucci:
His work is beautiful- fine detail mixed with sweeping, dramatic strokes. It seems a bit architectural but somehow has the quality of having started as a quick, simple sketch. I tip my hat to for bringing his work to my atention. Take a look:

Here's to hoping you found some of this to your liking. Next time, I'll be posting a few pieces from the most recent issue of The Bee & Hive, and letting you know how to get a copy you can hold in your hot little hands.
love & more love
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