Tuesday, December 8, 2009


It's a nice and blustery day here in the desert- roof tiles blowing off, wicked witches flying by on bicycles, and sand hitting your arms and legs so hard it feels like every part of your body is being simultaneously tattooed!
So, it's time for another Bee & Hive blog post.

I finally got around to watching some episodes of So You Think You Can Dance, or SYTYCD, for the initiated. Don't laugh, it's a surprisingly great show. These people really can dance, they don't just think they can. The most recent Tuesday night showing featured two dances from my favorite choreographer on the show, Sonya Tayeh. Now, she had done a piece a few seasons ago that blew me away, it was amazing, and was done to a Mirah song that I adore. This one, I think, was even better! Check it out:

Now tell me that wasn't fun to watch!

So today is the 29th anniversary of John Lennon's death. There are some things I think you should do to commemorate the day:
1. watch- A Hard Day's Night. It's my favorite Beatles movie- it's fun & clever & cute.
2. listen- to whatever Beatles songs you first fell in love with. You know, when you first went through your Beatles infatuation that any of us who love rock n' roll go through. For me, those albums were Revolver, and Sgt. Pepper's. Hands down.

I don't know if any of you (ha! like there are people reading this yet) read McSweeney's, but you should. It's lit-geeky enough to make you feel smarter for having bookmarked it, but funny enough to be a good reprieve in the middle of a hard day.
- - - -

1. no1 b4 me. srsly.

2. dnt wrshp pix/idols

3. no omg's

4. no wrk on w/end (sat 4 now; sun l8r)

5. pos ok - ur m&d r cool

read the rest here!

Now to offer a glimpse into the world of the printed zine.
End of Days
-Christy Gualtieri

At the end of things
I dream there will stand
a single thin flower
crowning a single thin root.
It will rise, steady
in its symbolism.

At the end of things
I fear there will be only eyes to see
and minds to understand,
but everyone will be left without mouths
to shout, without lips to bite.
I fear everyone will still have their feet
to trample on the grass.

At the end of things
I imagine there will be thunder,
and rain. All of the drops will miss
the flower's petals, and only hit
its root.

All purposes will be fulfilled,
and everyone will win.

copies will be up in my etsy shop soon! have a lovely tuesday.

"Will the people in the cheaper seats clap your hands? And the rest of you, if you'll just rattle your jewelry." - john lennon

Sunday, December 6, 2009


Ahh, the first official post for The Bee & Hive. Smells like new car. Like freshly scrubbed wood floors. Like the first snow of the year.
It seems important on this illustrious occassion to ensure that I take the proper tone. Hence, this short video. It's everything I want the zine to be- classic, colorful, serious yet playful, bearded...

Continuing this rather short tradition of excellence I've established, I offer for your listening pleasure, Frank Turner . He's fantastic. In fact, I have this dream of meeting him at one of his shows, having him fall instantly and madly in love with me, I join him on tour, of course, singing harmonies and whatnot, then we get married and have a couple dozen little babies that all call me "mum". Don't laugh, when you see this, you'll share in that dream. Check out the rest of his work if you have the chance, it is well-written, honest music. He can be just as serious and emotionally bare as he can clever and playful, and it's a thrill to hear. http://www.frank-turner.com/

Finally, Robert Calbucci: http://robertocalbucci.tumblr.com/
His work is beautiful- fine detail mixed with sweeping, dramatic strokes. It seems a bit architectural but somehow has the quality of having started as a quick, simple sketch. I tip my hat to http://www.lostateminor.com/ for bringing his work to my atention. Take a look:

Here's to hoping you found some of this to your liking. Next time, I'll be posting a few pieces from the most recent issue of The Bee & Hive, and letting you know how to get a copy you can hold in your hot little hands.

love & more love

Saturday, November 28, 2009

the warm-up.

a first official post is forthcoming! in the meantime, get a cup of coffee, maybe a cookie or 2, and enjoy the zine.