last night i had the extreme pleasure of seeing Peelander-Z for the first time. i try to keep up, keep informed, about things going on in the music world, and i feel a bit embarassed that i'd never heard of these guys before! i've seen a bunch of live acts in my time (that makes me sound older than i am), but i have never had an experience like seeing Peelander-Z last night. el paso is not a city with a booming music scene, but the people who are involved in it are really interested in helping it grow and are good about supporting the bands- both local acts and ones that come through town. before the show started, at local bar/venue Black Market, there was a pretty tangible buzz. people were sharing stories about previous shows, showing pictures from their last time seeing them perform, or trying to explain (wild hand gestures included) what was about to happen. and holy crap, did it happen. i don't know how to explain exactly what it's like- it's intereactive, it's loud and raucous, it's funny, it's punkrock, it's very colorful, and more than a little ridiculous. there are dances and hand motions required of you, there are signs with words to scream along, sometimes you are asked to pick someone up or do a limbo with a giant squid. you'll hear songs about ice cream, ninja high schools, steak- medium rare, about how they are so many mikes in the world. it was probably the most FUN i've had at a show in a while. i've heard better music, to be sure, but for pure entertainment, this was true greatness. you need to make this happen in your life.
here's one video of them playing in the middle of the crowd, with audience musical participation
well. skip forward to today. and Paste gives me even more great news: Jonny Greenwood(of Radiohead), is set to score the film! what?! at this moment, you should be picturing me running hysterically around my room, muppet-like, with joy. in case you didn't know, or have forgotten, Greenwood did the most excellent score for PTA's There Will Be Blood. and it was perfection- dissonant and difficult. i loved that it wasn't created to sound like music from the film's period, but rather was created to fit the mood, the characters, and the landscape. beautiful.
now just for funsies, because Ben Folds is the effing man.